Keyword: social cohesion


Picture: School of Life Video What is misemployment? The School of Life has come up with a handy concept to describe human value, which seems to be ignored in unemployment debates. Whenever unemployment comes down, it sounds like really good news. It's great that productive forces in the economy are growing and there'll be a little more money in people's pockets. But if one gets a bit more ambitious about human potential, the picture become more complicated. Misemployment means being in work, but of a kind that fails to...

Social Compact on a Decent Living Level in South Africa - Is It Possible?

Picture: Woman walking in township courtesy WBUR Boston Isobel Frye - With each passing day, the impact of the platinum strike increases its toll on workers and shareholders alike.  The earlier announcement of the involvement of the new Minister of Energy appears to have dissipated to nothing.  At the heart of the apparent failure of constructive social dialogue about the resolution of grievances – beyond the work of the Farlam commission looking in to the deaths at Marikana - appears to be an inability for actors in this tragedy to be able to...

Best of SACSIS: What Kind of Society Do You Want to Live In?

Picture: Platinum belt mineworkers courtesy GovernmentZa/flickr Fazila Farouk - Inequality is hard to avoid here in the most unequal country in the world, yet South Africa’s chattering classes have for a very long time done exactly that. Admittedly there are many titillating distractions, from our polygamous president engulfed in corruption scandals to the vulgar display of wealth by our black economic empowerment beneficiaries, there is much to keep the chins of the more established sections of South African society wagging in gloomy disapproval. However, as...

Humans Are Hard-Wired to Care and Connect

Picture: Evil Empire David Korten - The good news: The changes we must make to avoid ultimate collapse are identical to the changes we must make to create the world of our common dream. For the past 5,000 years, we humans have devoted much creative energy to perfecting our capacity for greed and violence-a practice that has been enormously costly for our children, families, communities, and nature. Now, on the verge of environmental and social collapse, we face an imperative to bring the world of our dreams into being by...